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Built upon revolutionary technology that is easy to understand, Passport premium hearing instruments allow you to achieve significantly better hearing. Passport empowers you with the confidence to communicate, even in challenging listening environments.
Intelligent: It knows just what to do. Passport automatically matches your hearing instrument settings to your surroundings using an array of advanced, adaptive features.
Personal: It listens to you. Passport's smartFocus technology allows you to fine-tune your hearing instruments in a whole new way, increasing listening satisfaction no matter where you are.
Connected: It opens new doors. Passport supports the Unifi Wireless System making it even easier to connect to the people, places and technologies in your life.
Voted #1 Hearing center in Columbus, OH!
Receive information about hearing aids, free seminars, advanced testing & more.
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Appointment Only
We are available for special evening hours. Just ask!